Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Slugs Are Eating My Dahlia!
I only have 1 in the backyard. I had two, but one of them didn't want to grow. So I chucked it. I planted it a new one but it has yet to wake up. And the one that IS growing, it's getting eaten! Annoying. I moved a couple of small items to my bed; a black pansey and another seedum. Raar.
Kody's birthday was the 16th, Sunday. We went out to Orcas Island to go skating. I had fun, but the park just isn't quite as fun as when I first went there. I suppose that is because there weren't quite as many skateparks yet. But with Carnation and Arlington, Orcas starts to feel slightly archaic. Yet at the same time, it pushes you to be all you can be. My back started hurting right off the bat. I managed to skate hard and then chilled most of the day.
Trying to get home wasn't as easy as planned. We made a detour to Mt. Constitution to take in the breathtaking view. We figured that we had plenty of time to catch the 4:20 ferry. When we got there, we were in the overflow line. We missed it by 3 cars. So we waited till the 7:00 ferry, which was fine. We just wandered about, had ice cream, let the baby run around, etc.
Dio work on Chapters 2 and 3 are in progress. Chapter2 is taking form nicely. I was having a bit of a block but in the end, it's working out better than I hoped. As for Chapter3, the work being done there is set work. I have BIG plans and it's gonna take some real creativity on my side to make things work. On the other hand, I'm shooting Chapter2 as it is. I've shot 2 sections/sequences/parts of Chapter2. Both are utterly violent. (hee hee) I'm prepping to shoot another sequence tonite and if it works right, should be weirdly cool.
That about it for now. Until next time.

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