Sunday, August 12, 2007

Has it really been since May?
Most people already know that Emi and I are getting divorced. By the 23rd of this month, we have a court date and that will be that. While I was excited to move on originally (this would have been a couple of months ago), I am finding that the grass isn't necessarily greener on the other side. Emi says this will be a new beginning for us.
I've moved across town. Found a nice lil apt for cheap and usually chill w/ the neighbors across the way. Thomas and Kody stay on the weekends.
I am a Daiso (of Japan). It is a Japanese households store in the mall. I rather enjoy working there.
I've recently gotten back into Warhammer40k. I've bought the starter kid so Kody and I can play. He will be playing Space Marine and I'll be slowly building a Tau army. I was originally gonna do my own Space Marine army and Kody's would be separate, but I decided to make them all one. NOT that I had a huge army anyway. I'll be doing a pre-Thousand Sons army. As in, BEFORE the 1000 Sons went all Chaos! The colors will be Midnite Blue and Boltgun Silver. The story I made up is that when they join Chaos, the Chaos Supreme Lord will change their boltgun metal trim to gold trim. My Tau, on the other hand, will be Scorpion Green and Black.
As for GI Joe, I quit the 8" a while back. I am slowly building my VvV VIpers and NeoVipers just for the fun of it. The 25th figures are upon us and I am buying those up when cash allows AND when I actually see 'em. They haven't flooded the stores yet so I guess there's still time. OR I've missed the boat. Again.
Anyway, that's about it for now.