Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Rain at the Zoo
This last weekend, the last weekend in July, is notorious for being the weekend of no rain. Weddings are scheduled for this time because of this reason. BBQs, parties, concerts, etc. But alas, things didn't quite work out that way because on Sunday, it rained.
Saturday was my family's potluck. We got up and ran down there. The boys got to float down the Snoqualmie River w/ my dad in the inflatable boat while the women talked about stuff at home. I spent some time down at the river taking pictures of my Sigma6 figures. We had a fun time. It was also the last chance for many of us to see my aunt & uncle (and 2 boys) before they move to Virginia for a couple of years.
Sunday, we got up late and then went to the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle. As soon as we got there, it started raining. We still had fun and by the end of the day, the rain had stopped and the sun was breaking thru. I always enjoy the zoo but it's fun to see how Thomas reacts to things. By the end of the adventure, Thomas began to understand there were animals in these cages and was enjoying looking at the odd creatures.
Today is Wednesday. After taking over a hundred Sigma6 pictures, I started hitting the 2nd chapter of my dio. It was time to get off my butt and get it done. There was a lot of new territory for me. Not so much in story terms, but the technology of it. I had ideas that didn't quite work out. But my man Chuck helped me thru some of it and it really gives it a boost. If the red lighting and claustrophobic corridors were cool to you, then the effects used in Chapter2 should be equally as gnarly. I procrastinated almost 3 weeks about it because I didn't know how to go about working stuff in. Alas, it all worked out and I did it all this morning.
That's about it for now. Until next time!

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