Monday, March 24, 2014

Is there hope for mankind?

So I found this on Facebook today. It is a quick compilation of people posting things that end up being really dumb. It’s not the first time something like his has shown up. I’m sure millions of people have read it and it’s been shared probably by at least half. I’ve been noticing a lot of these types of posts been going up lately. It’s good for a laugh, which is the purpose.

But I can’t help that there’s more to it than just a laugh.

We are laughing at people’s dumbness. We are laughing, rolling our eyes, saying “omg, are they really that stooooopid?”, and etc. This isn’t any different than watching the ‘fail’ videos on youtube or the different tv shows where people do stuff, fail at it and we laugh. There’s an industry for this. Charlie Chaplin comes to mind.

A skateboarder trying a rail trick, fails and racks his nuts on the railing. It’s funny. It’s actually NORMAL (for skateboarding). We wince at how painful the hit is. We laugh. We point. We tell others all about it. Rob Dryek, pro skateboarder, managed to create a tv show from people’s video taped follies. But when it comes to txts and what people post on facebook,  something feels different. It’s more like this…

                                                                         Random Picture
Should I even be laughing at how dumb people are? Should I be shaking my head and wondering about the state of education of normal people??? All because some dude doesn’t know the difference between an eagle and a parrot? Or that kids don’t actually know what the Civil War was for? Or that Africa is a continent not a country (wait till they found out where Egypt actually is!). Those are just 3 examples of the 31 ‘fails’ that was compiled.

Part of me says, “why am I laughing at these people?”
Part of me says, “this is bad karma to laugh at the dumb”.

Random picture

Because I know, I’ve done dumb things with all intents and purposes being truthful and honest. To be called out on it in this way, it’s almost character assassination. Yet, these people texted/wrote it, right? Should these be reproduced on a social website for everyone to see? You don’t see a whole lot of students’ grades being posted, right? I’m not entirely sure I’d want to be called on every other mistake I’ve made in life.

A simple post like that got me thinking in other weird ways too. The world human population keeps rising. The village gets bigger and bigger. When it keeps getting bigger, does that mean there are more village idiots to the point that you have a village of idjits? (I sometimes wonder if the amount of dumb people is a certain percentage of the world population. Therefore, 30 years ago, there were significantly less people so were there actually less dumb people? OR because of the internet (and tv), the dumb become more pronounced?) And I’ve heard that Alaska is really an island and can only be reached by boat.

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