Friday, April 27, 2007

On the Dio Front for Ep3 of THE ISLAND

I'll admit it, I've been procrastinating about Ep3. I guess now that I'm working, my interests are elsewhere. Almost to the point where I'm not that into GI Joe at the moment. But alas, once I get the ball rolling, I'll be back on it. As it stands now, I keep on coming up with ideas and I think I want to do things very differently for Ep3 and Ep4 and maybe Ep5. Part of my dilemna is the fact that there are 2 storylines going on.

I've got the main action w/ Graydon and the crew on the actual island.

Then there's the Serpent's Tail storyline which deals w/ Cobra's new, uhmmmm, ship.

In Ep3, there'll be a situation where the Joes aren't fast enough to take Cobra down. This leads to some catastrophic events. HOWEVER, the Joes don't know what else is up Cobra Commander's sleeve so they really couldn't have been THAT preventative. Either way, things won't quite go right in Ep3 IF I can fit it all in. Part of the problem, again, is that I'm thinking more cinematically. I want to make the story bigger and deeper and more interesting. Like it's a graphic novel.

I've also been working on Samurai Wars (working title) during my lunch break at work. I've been doing a lot of sketches and doodles, trying to get my drawing under control again. I still have the same pencil style and for the most part, inking style. But since I'm doing it all, I'm experimenting with some different coloring styles. Originally, it was gonna be a regular comic book; full color, etc. I'm considering doing it in all gray tones w/ splashes of color here and there. It's not quite like the Metal Gear Solid comic but it's not manga either. I would love to think that it'd be like Lone Wolf And Cub but my art is soooooo different, that's a bad analogy too.

In any case, I'm doing a pin-up for my man Chuck. I promised I'd have a comic for him, but well, I'm months overdue. Whilce Portacio, look out! (Wetworks was years late) I'm hoping a pin-up will be good enough for him and we'll see what he thinks of the style.

Until Next Time

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