Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I’m just gonna babble on here about my S6 universe. It’s obvious that my 3.75” and my 8” universes aren’t very Hasbro-canon-like. Or comic. Or cartoon. Or filecard. Let’s face it, Hasbro is doing a great job w/ S6 but at the same time, it also leaves the small base of fans wanting more. It’s more than just characters, but other elements. Anyway, for those who have been reading the dio, allow me to clue you in on some things that might leave ‘you’ wondering about things.
If you wonder why some of the ‘descriptions’ are short, I haven’t done much with the characters yet. Which is also why they don’t have a prominent role in the dios.
1. Storm Shadow is a Cobra. He isn’t a brainwashed duder who goes from team to team and he sure as hell isn’t anything like his 3.75” counter part. He was hired as Cobra Commander’s bodyguard but also serves as assassin and saboteur. Storm Shadow also is the head of the Arashikage, a clan of ninja that he trains. The average warrior can be promoted to Nite Creeper.
2. Nite Creepers are genetically and artificially enhanced. They have intense surgery on their brains and are “wet-wired” so info (missions, training, etc) can be directly downloaded into them. They have heightened strength, better eyesight, better reflexes and are impervious to weather conditions. However, all the work on their brain leaves their heads w/ a corpse-like complexion and glowing green eyes. Their primary weapons are the claws on their fists and the long blades on their forearms.
3. Snake Eyes was adopted by Storm Shadow’s parents at a young age. Snake Eyes’ parents died in a horrific car crash on a mountain. Having no other family and a target of becoming of spending a troubled life as an orphan, the Arashikage adopted him. Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow would later move back to Japan. SE returned to the US for college but ended up in the military and eventually, GI Joe.
4. Destro is the “mad scientist” of Cobra. He creates the weapons and armor that Cobra uses. He is a not a battlefield technician, preferring to stay in the background. He’s also content being nowhere near the battlefield. Destro is always working on something and trying to perfect his technology. He came up with the cybernetic systems for the Nite Creepers as well as the ‘brains’ for the 2 Ninja BATs. His next step is to create suits for a team of Cobra that can counter GI Joe’s every move.
5. Cobra Commander is better at barking out commands and orders than he is fighting on the battleground. He prefers to stay far behind his forces and lets the BATs do his work for him. He is evil and ruthless. He believes that technology will defeat the Joes and that he will rule the world. Cobra Commander believes that cloning the Sigma6 members will hand him an assured victory.
6. Firefly is a GI Joe and quite hardcore. Firefly has had to make some complex decisions in his life. Not one to reflect on his life (past & present), he hides his anxiety and stress behind off-color remarks. He has become a superstar on the Joe team, much to the others disgust.
7. Long Range is a long-time Joe who can never seem to get the limelight.
8. Tunnel Rat, the youngest of the team, is the best at what he does. He tends to be the most competent on the field, enjoys the heat of battle and is the most optimistic. However, he isn’t like Firefly who hides behind snide remarks and comments.
9. Kamakura is a ninja trained by Snake Eyes. He has trained heavily in an array of weapons and can use just about anything to his advantage. Kamakura steps up when needed, but doesn’t prefer the role of leadership. He is Firefly’s best friend, despite them butting heads over issues. Kamakura trained Firefly in the martial arts.
10. Hi-Tech is the technology and weapons guy. He is Destro’s counterpart and perhaps, just as weird.
11. Duke is the leader of the Sigma6 team.
12. Spirit is the tracker of the Sigma6 team.
13. Heavy Duty is the heavy weapons expert of the Sigma6 team. He’s fairly laid back but his anger can often get the best of him. The kinetic plasma gloves he wears give him incredible power. Heavy Duty is an expert of all weapons and can cook quite well.
14. Lt. Stone is Duke’s right hand man. Stone primary role is as a spy but he’s adept at flying the Dragonhawk transport aircraft.
15. Zartan is the master of disguise for Cobra. He is also adept at espionage and likes to play mind games with the Joes. He has a sick sense of humor and is a fair fighter.
16. Aleph is the Nite Creeper leader. Brother Shane was promoted and given the name Aleph after capturing Firefly.
17. BurnOut is a clone of Heavy Duty. He specializes in energy flame weapons. He sees life as one big game. He would like to take the Joes on himself but knows that he needs someone to watch his back. Powerfully built, he has all the technology that the Nite Creepers have.
18. Sonneilon & Asmodeus are two unique Ninja BATs. They are too expensive to reproduce. They are Destro’s creations and can fight as well as any human. Their ‘soft’ brains are ‘wet-wired’ so data can be downloaded directly. They are constantly learning and they consider themselves “Alive”.
19. This currently nameless character is a clone of (left blank intentionally). He will play a large role in Ep5.

Until Next Time...

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